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Reach 374 414 427 429
Stack 620 561 632 626
Top Tube (effective) 669 633 691 607
Seat Tube C-T 356 453 483 532
Head Angle 70 68 80 55
Seat Angle 84 73 84 71
Head Tube 108 123 106 122
Chainstay 468 426 498 372
Wheelbase 1245 1041 1265 984
Standover 781 659 782 799
BB Drop -33 -35 -34 -34
BB Type Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92
Seatpost Diameter 34 33 27 28
Axle Spacing 148/110 148/110 148/110 148/110
Wheel Size 30 28 26 24
Handlebar Width 674 779 855 761
Stem Length 45 50 41 36
Crank Length 171 179 200 151
Front Travel 149 142 178 126
Rear Travel 161 116 125 136
Shock Size 210x55 (30/30) 210x55 (30/30) 210x55 (30/30) 210x55 (30/30)
Headset ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56
Data Source None None None None

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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