Ghost SL AMR X 8 LC 27.5 2017



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Reach 445 503 365
Stack 614 526 682
Top Tube (effective) 611 693 524
Seat Tube C-T 501 500 468
Head Angle 65 53 64
Seat Angle 72 68 68
Head Tube 121 113 132
Chainstay 365 428 361
Wheelbase 944 998 1369
Standover 873 741 781
BB Drop -8 -7 -9
BB Type Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92
Seatpost Diameter 28 28 35
Axle Spacing 142/110 142/110 142/110
Wheel Size 28 32 30
Handlebar Width 900 648 744
Stem Length 46 57 57
Crank Length 154 188 189
Front Travel 165 136 169
Rear Travel 131 138 170
Shock Size 200x57 (30/22.2) 200x57 (30/22.2) 200x57 (30/22.2)
Headset ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56
Data Source None None None

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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