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Reach 390 443 414 477 366 442
Stack 639 640 591 703 718 658
Top Tube (effective) 563 550 471 645 549 735
Seat Tube C-T 328 393 376 372 406 517
Head Angle 69 78 80 69 74 77
Seat Angle 72 60 70 78 82 75
Head Tube 93 114 124 133 153 141
Chainstay 414 349 426 390 430 400
Wheelbase 1046 1088 1159 972 984 990
Standover 526 642 603 652 866 780
BB Drop -32 -30 -35 -35 -39 -32
Seatpost Diameter 25 25 35 34 34 26
Handlebar Width 579 691 651 698 569 792
Stem Length 52 64 80 73 80 116
Crank Length 201 154 160 166 197 173
Front Travel 110 103 86 90 99 98
Headset 49 47 37 49 43 50
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost

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