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Reach 432 370 304 464
Stack 711 534 763 759
Top Tube (effective) 669 536 595 725
Seat Tube C-T 344 379 489 586
Head Angle 61 82 79 79
Seat Angle 77 76 77 73
Head Tube 179 135 191 168
Chainstay 381 490 389 458
Wheelbase 1016 1218 1259 1145
Standover 580 501 641 676
BB Drop -71 -59 -71 -70
Seatpost Diameter 34 33 25 33
Handlebar Width 577 594 721 686
Stem Length 52 48 81 87
Crank Length 197 203 191 180
Front Travel 57 49 69 63
Headset 44/56 44/56 44/56 44/56
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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