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Reach 371 447 404 476
Stack 528 646 598 819
Top Tube (effective) 650 514 594 685
Seat Tube C-T 442 469 628 613
Head Angle 78 67 83 69
Seat Angle 63 66 83 63
Head Tube 176 139 188 219
Chainstay 507 413 510 531
Wheelbase 1275 1194 1328 1123
Standover 773 855 836 909
BB Drop -52 -62 -63 -66
Seatpost Diameter 27 35 28 30
Handlebar Width 592 642 762 788
Stem Length 50 62 99 102
Crank Length 197 195 187 164
Front Travel 64 61 68 50
Headset 44/56 44/56 44/56 44/56
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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