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Reach 334 428 411 366 486
Stack 683 742 705 651 782
Top Tube (effective) 522 698 615 730 518
Seat Tube C-T 308 407 381 583 505
Head Angle 75 80 63 73 62
Seat Angle 69 70 79 74 85
Head Tube 83 108 104 111 151
Chainstay 515 381 366 379 382
Wheelbase 1200 1257 1188 1073 1291
Standover 806 711 762 855 837
BB Drop -60 -62 -54 -66 -75
Seatpost Diameter 30 26 37 25 33
Handlebar Width 738 600 784 619 640
Stem Length 51 65 83 105 80
Crank Length 153 146 144 164 177
Front Travel 96 106 118 96 101
Headset 44/56 44/56 44/56 44/56 44/56
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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