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Reach 413 380 379
Stack 696 628 498
Top Tube (effective) 589 601 556
Seat Tube C-T 406 474 486
Head Angle 78 60 72
Seat Angle 83 77 77
Head Tube 91 130 129
Chainstay 414 535 557
Wheelbase 984 1106 1096
Standover 608 724 734
BB Drop -62 -54 -59
Seatpost Diameter 27 26 25
Handlebar Width 678 577 704
Stem Length 75 101 105
Crank Length 167 141 171
Front Travel 116 106 134
Headset 42/52.1 42/52.1 42/52.1
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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