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Reach 322 324 308 439 327 415
Stack 581 490 539 476 629 654
Top Tube (effective) 556 462 498 453 460 621
Seat Tube C-T 374 518 490 494 588 543
Head Angle 82 72 67 59 71 69
Seat Angle 73 84 79 66 67 70
Head Tube 90 123 138 163 158 198
Chainstay 426 484 333 343 378 417
Wheelbase 959 803 922 1107 1005 1114
BB Drop 82 63 80 64 74 56
Data Source Gusto Gusto Gusto Gusto Gusto Gusto

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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