J Guillem Atalaya 2020



  52 54 56 58
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Reach 381 443 435 336
Stack 424 642 565 564
Top Tube (effective) 613 608 605 582
Top Tube (actual) 535 547 540 518
Seat Tube C-T 551 507 560 580
Seat Tube C-C 488 503 427 509
Head Angle 78 81 80 64
Seat Angle 66 82 72 71
Head Tube 130 161 161 192
Chainstay 484 365 349 359
Wheelbase 990 1031 872 992
Front Centre 583 573 531 616
BB Drop 56 66 71 79
BB Type Pressfit 24 Pressfit 24 Pressfit 24 Pressfit 24
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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