

  52CM 54CM 56CM 58CM 60CM
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Reach 413 343 321 320 357
Stack 444 635 486 664 674
Top Tube (effective) 625 474 595 679 696
Top Tube (actual) 546 497 634 549 679
Seat Tube C-T 504 391 539 425 616
Seat Tube C-C 472 469 579 515 573
Head Angle 61 73 61 85 62
Seat Angle 66 80 85 77 59
Head Tube 149 165 181 146 205
Chainstay 490 416 464 447 405
Wheelbase 922 962 952 1151 1084
Front Centre 657 625 672 711 518
Standover 662 844 810 797 974
BB Drop 81 79 72 67 60
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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