J Guillem Tomir 2016-2020



  15.5" 17" 18.5" 20"
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Reach 474 490 496 438
Stack 628 562 658 626
Top Tube (effective) 499 703 626 687
Top Tube (actual) 482 450 584 581
Seat Tube C-T 465 391 451 450
Seat Tube C-C 324 378 414 454
Head Angle 80 83 82 66
Seat Angle 82 81 70 63
Head Tube 82 124 115 125
Chainstay 469 379 419 486
Wheelbase 1025 918 962 1037
Front Centre 641 776 732 824
Standover 646 668 947 929
BB Drop 52 57 73 54
BB Type PF24 PF24 PF24 PF24
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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