

  49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
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Reach 393 366 443 357 394 365 384 333 387 358 363 465
Stack 498 616 474 510 533 554 614 466 557 667 637 503
Top Tube (effective) 512 431 533 555 508 468 628 573 607 663 489 571
Seat Tube C-T 493 454 545 653 454 597 571 592 487 561 517 608
Seat Tube C-C 562 577 419 489 563 503 613 597 518 588 493 635
Head Angle 86 85 64 60 76 60 72 83 71 80 80 62
Seat Angle 70 71 70 70 69 70 76 73 61 68 64 68
Head Tube 103 111 114 99 135 112 151 176 158 147 174 183
Chainstay 468 423 462 441 393 367 418 445 381 381 361 371
Wheelbase 907 779 1002 1063 1094 1069 871 879 929 1021 854 917
Standover 875 801 686 807 727 823 678 668 689 734 958 728
BB Drop 75 59 63 63 71 72 81 56 64 81 64 64
Fork Rake / Offset 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370 45 - 370
Headset 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″ 1 1/8″
Seat Clamp 26 24 31 21 30 31 23 24 29 25 27 24
Data Source kocmo kocmo kocmo kocmo kocmo kocmo kocmo kocmo kocmo kocmo kocmo kocmo

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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