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Reach 296 423 367 418 465 490
Stack 537 565 672 527 655 593
Top Tube (effective) 490 446 641 441 647 709
Seat Tube C-T 432 531 532 531 602 526
Seat Tube C-C 398 391 541 603 444 527
Head Angle 84 58 63 65 83 60
Seat Angle 75 89 77 80 75 62
Head Tube 104 90 121 195 148 183
Chainstay 350 385 404 450 518 498
Wheelbase 1021 1138 1202 1085 1197 1140
Front Centre 692 621 582 597 723 738
Standover 818 625 763 679 873 925
BB Drop 56 56 73 76 74 52
BB Type T47 T47 T47 T47 T47 T47
Fork Rake / Offset 45 41 40 42 57 45
Seatpost Diameter 24 30 27 32 26 26
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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