

  46 48.5 52 54 56 58
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Reach 420 370 310 328 415 327
Stack 505 654 526 483 622 730
Top Tube (effective) 542 552 615 637 589 528
Seat Tube C-T 472 469 522 589 664 584
Head Angle 75 63 74 62 57 67
Seat Angle 68 62 58 64 65 79
Head Tube 79 101 108 120 183 166
Chainstay 377 388 487 500 379 520
Wheelbase 1154 1004 1047 973 1133 935
Front Centre 534 719 573 734 746 776
Standover 872 789 772 777 990 1028
BB Drop 59 75 59 74 77 72
BB Height 254 235 300 306 339 332
Fork Rake / Offset 50 51 43 44 45 41
Fork Length (A2C) 350 373 461 419 460 440
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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