Mason Aspect 2019



  50CM 52CM 54CM 56CM 58CM 60CM 62CM
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Reach 341 352 394 341 350 457 483
Stack 662 492 645 495 693 634 602
Top Tube (effective) 537 507 576 635 477 540 663
Top Tube (actual) 575 463 573 500 673 492 677
Seat Tube C-T 566 552 641 663 566 617 636
Seat Tube C-C 533 498 459 441 551 534 460
Head Angle 67 59 68 76 86 83 67
Seat Angle 63 75 80 87 65 63 70
Head Tube 114 128 159 186 219 190 197
Chainstay 381 420 395 406 445 414 436
Wheelbase 806 1141 1064 987 1104 931 965
Front Centre 579 483 599 720 727 566 567
Standover 675 788 783 964 773 940 1005
BB Drop 62 67 72 83 82 59 65
Fork Rake / Offset 44 49 48 37 51 42 53
Trail 68 60 74 55 68 62 55
Fork Length (A2C) 437 381 446 328 436 410 386
Axle Spacing 158 155 144 155 159 134 131
Stem Length 74 99 100 126 124 100 138
Crank Length 177 182 201 200 165 201 164
HB Reach 48 40 35 45 47 39 45
Data Source Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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