Mason Bokeh 2020



  50CM 52CM 54CM 56CM 58CM 60CM 62CM
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Reach 412 417 350 383 459 423 364
Stack 595 512 625 545 578 598 608
Top Tube (effective) 445 492 539 570 581 491 621
Top Tube (actual) 477 568 552 640 562 650 509
Seat Tube C-T 408 559 485 655 477 573 574
Seat Tube C-C 376 528 544 441 622 646 681
Head Angle 75 76 80 60 61 77 59
Seat Angle 79 72 75 60 64 66 78
Head Tube 136 148 159 133 181 187 199
Chainstay 351 459 377 363 377 388 375
Wheelbase 1098 832 1184 1198 960 1002 936
Front Centre 561 555 563 522 609 577 686
Standover 672 866 788 699 678 761 965
BB Drop 84 80 76 64 60 70 68
Fork Rake / Offset 55 42 45 58 52 57 55
Trail 60 63 61 62 71 68 52
Fork Length (A2C) 453 439 321 356 425 359 351
Axle Spacing 130 124 151 114 134 126 149
Handlebar Width 33 45 37 52 49 49 54
Stem Length 77 81 109 103 126 102 98
Crank Length 201 136 142 192 155 206 148
Frame Weight 1600g 1640g 1690g 1730g 1770g 1820g 1860g
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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