Mason Bokeh Ti 2019



  48CM 50CM 52CM 54CM 56CM 58CM 60CM 62CM
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Reach 320 409 363 403 434 450 367 330
Stack 570 481 626 595 595 638 516 642
Top Tube (effective) 545 559 559 630 549 465 530 558
Top Tube (actual) 551 576 572 476 601 459 577 661
Seat Tube C-T 555 466 430 519 516 560 503 595
Seat Tube C-C 426 480 552 452 506 434 636 561
Head Angle 80 67 79 63 73 66 84 72
Seat Angle 77 86 60 82 62 77 83 69
Head Tube 92 111 155 152 164 150 178 217
Chainstay 464 463 465 401 367 431 441 373
Wheelbase 1028 1162 1046 1073 899 875 858 960
Front Centre 569 657 634 548 695 635 516 667
Standover 773 830 884 848 952 912 886 738
BB Drop 81 67 64 71 71 69 76 75
Fork Rake / Offset 43 59 50 56 44 49 55 58
Trail 67 67 75 60 64 50 72 58
Fork Length (A2C) 466 458 469 418 343 400 408 335
Axle Spacing 122 121 125 131 149 145 168 156
Stem Length 66 84 72 114 95 111 118 106
Crank Length 195 167 162 177 145 142 162 209
HB Reach 48 48 36 52 41 49 51
Frame Weight 1580g 1600g 1640g 1690g 1730g 1770g 1820g 1860g
Data Source Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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