Mason Resolution 2015



  50CM 52CM 54CM 56CM 58CM 60CM
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Reach 439 452 369 388 463 359
Stack 538 495 466 513 703 715
Top Tube (effective) 461 531 580 491 571 541
Top Tube (actual) 562 577 610 558 560 677
Seat Tube C-T 499 609 438 470 661 618
Seat Tube C-C 406 392 532 605 604 604
Head Angle 74 68 61 61 59 65
Seat Angle 81 81 61 86 61 80
Head Tube 137 131 136 203 172 169
Chainstay 382 385 386 480 474 359
Wheelbase 1031 1141 887 914 864 968
Front Centre 507 563 703 512 573 512
Standover 686 720 933 795 700 865
BB Drop 76 70 65 80 83 69
Fork Rake / Offset 40 40 49 48 52 50
Trail 73 78 79 56 65 67
Fork Length (A2C) 454 415 349 337 341 426
Axle Spacing 129 161 141 119 144 148
Handlebar Width 42 35 52 51 51 53
Stem Length 95 96 104 105 101 109
Crank Length 178 179 191 162 178 197
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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