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Top Tube (effective)
Seat Tube C-T
Head Angle
Seat Angle
Head Tube
BB Drop
Fork Length (A2C)
Data Source
  13.5" 15" 17" 18.5" 20" 21.5" 23"
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Reach 377 336 401 351 378 471 393
Stack 532 530 682 654 565 710 568
Top Tube (effective) 540 603 644 535 616 555 709
Seat Tube C-T 372 371 512 416 603 443 645
Head Angle 78 83 65 81 82 65 82
Seat Angle 79 83 81 60 72 65 77
Head Tube 78 110 103 93 100 156 150
Chainstay 355 431 379 434 399 374 398
Wheelbase 1221 1100 1146 1243 1295 887 960
Standover 528 559 600 739 868 923 716
BB Drop 42 41 48 48 40 46 49
Fork Length (A2C) 579 420 578 541 568 534 461
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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