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Reach 372 421 392 446 431
Stack 503 432 605 609 585
Top Tube (effective) 557 438 470 575 464
Seat Tube C-T 369 476 456 501 581
Head Angle 63 65 83 63 66
Seat Angle 79 61 76 71 75
Head Tube 109 135 116 171 185
Chainstay 446 381 380 362 406
BB Drop 75 70 84 63 65
Fork Rake / Offset 49 43 38 40 51
Tyre Max Width max 28c max 28c max 28c max 28c max 28c
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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