

  440 470 500 530 560
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Reach 384 441 332 313 328
Stack 448 534 656 560 613
Top Tube (effective) 458 611 536 543 466
Seat Tube C-T 493 496 460 543 606
Head Angle 78 59 69 83 74
Seat Angle 81 66 66 80 64
Head Tube 124 111 120 112 168
Chainstay 381 370 424 407 367
Wheelbase 1091 1116 1102 1217 1144
BB Drop 64 75 57 67 68
Fork Length (A2C) 434 391 465 453 455
Tyre Max Width 46 37 39 43 37
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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