

  440mm 470mm 500mm 530mm 560mm
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Reach 324 459 337 319 454
Stack 437 438 466 507 591
Top Tube (effective) 600 433 585 439 488
Seat Tube C-T 364 524 432 448 637
Head Angle 67 71 60 85 85
Seat Angle 67 81 86 74 61
Head Tube 114 95 121 109 168
Chainstay 392 371 354 442 447
BB Drop 65 69 58 61 56
Fork Length (A2C) 321 346 321 364 414
Wheel Size 578 563 593 754 772
Tyre Max Width 28c 28c 28c 28c 28c
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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