

  49cm 52cm 54cm 56cm 58cm 61cm 64cm
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Top Tube (effective) 507 525 458 670 537 505 722
Seat Tube C-T 547 509 584 554 604 625 645
Head Angle 68 78 62 77 65 82 64
Seat Angle 60 76 85 77 78 68 61
Chainstay 348 511 423 487 401 437 360
Wheelbase 987 1068 971 855 1146 858 1010
Standover 789 714 852 953 660 868 1017
BB Drop 58 65 77 65 58 55 69
BB Height 227 289 335 256 298 318 269
Fork Rake / Offset 38 43 52 43 46 50 52
Data Source Motobecane Motobecane Motobecane Motobecane Motobecane Motobecane Motobecane

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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