Motobecane Gravel X 2020



  49 52 54 56 58 61
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Reach 387 398 429 450 381 436
Stack 494 532 499 479 528 751
Top Tube (effective) 608 598 475 488 612 682
Seat Tube C-T 575 462 539 510 623 652
Head Angle 81 81 64 71 64 69
Seat Angle 72 79 77 65 84 69
Head Tube 72 126 128 133 161 183
Chainstay 378 352 480 499 405 366
Wheelbase 1003 1151 900 1056 1030 998
BB Drop 89 79 85 71 66 80
Fork Rake / Offset 46 40 52 49 50 48
Trail 73 72 74 57 59 49
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