Motobecane Le Champion CF Disc Pro 2020



  48 52 54 56 58 60
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Reach 325
Stack 621
Top Tube (effective) 574 437 493 559 496 623
Head Angle 65 74 68 74 67 62
Seat Angle 62 61 79 73 80 82
Head Tube 142 123 170 227 212 209
Chainstay 396 482 361 445 429 426
Wheelbase 955 985 921 1128 951 1126
Standover 727 836 837 665 891 672
BB Drop 86 68 85 71 84 74
BB Height 253 291 282 296 269 318
Fork Rake / Offset 34
Trail 48
Fork Length (A2C) 398
Seatpost Diameter 29
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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