

  46 49 52 55
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Reach 292 413 443 335
Stack 415 578 507 678
Top Tube (effective) 449 532 614 507
Seat Tube C-T 387 487 538 497
Head Angle 57 75 85 63
Seat Angle 71 70 77 60
Head Tube 86 104 137 192
Chainstay 391 373 340 446
Wheelbase 919 1192 943 1057
Front Centre 640 546 656 751
BB Drop 66 61 72 71
Fork Rake / Offset 42 53 54 51
Fork Length (A2C) 385 416 324 473
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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