

  47 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64
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Reach 327 448 448 361 399 428 421 363 374
Stack 514 482 466 498 643 687 512 737 620
Top Tube (effective) 549 556 566 589 594 588 646 569 574
Seat Tube C-T 517 498 437 409 443 500 616 561 726
Head Angle 68 63 64 87 72 68 73 79 74
Seat Angle 81 66 88 70 60 82 82 59 59
Head Tube 106 127 154 179 198 218 229 222 202
Chainstay 411 356 407 365 402 388 477 355 373
Wheelbase 1120 1113 1100 1062 1097 876 1032 851 1146
Standover 618 644 787 858 649 929 726 797 899
BB Drop 80 64 75 76 71 77 78 63 80
Fork Rake / Offset 38 41 53 42 43 39 46 42 36
Trail 67 65 62 60 64 51 45 59 47
Data Source Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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