

  Medium (-2°) Medium (high) Medium (low)
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Reach 491 340 387
Stack 650 565 708
Top Tube (effective) 694 695 637
Seat Tube C-T 528 530 514
Head Angle 53 55 67
Seat Angle 89 83 71
Head Tube 117 127 117
Chainstay 491 425 376
Wheelbase 1097 942 1256
Standover 789 785 701
BB Drop 32 24 38
Fork Length (A2C) 458 463 484
Seatpost Diameter 36 27 29
Axle Spacing 132 137 124
Wheel Size 25 27 27
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Note: size medium with 3 configurations

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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