Niner RLT 9 RDO 2020



  47 50 53 56 59 62
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Reach 309 410 300 354 400 343
Stack 526 540 483 583 631 598
Top Tube (effective) 415 597 635 658 474 532
Seat Tube C-T 450 370 480 432 532 564
Head Angle 69 72 67 57 80 77
Seat Angle 83 61 71 72 86 79
Head Tube 104 116 162 135 175 242
Chainstay 460 352 505 422 421 485
Wheelbase 911 1126 1167 1194 1181 1230
Front Centre 581 542 658 648 504 586
Standover 626 648 843 811 717 880
BB Drop 69 84 86 68 74 72
Fork Rake / Offset 43 36 37 49 37 36
Trail 72 57
Rider Height 5'11-6'3" 6'2"-6'6"
Data Source Niner Niner Niner Niner Niner Niner

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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