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Reach 321 350 439 423 419
Stack 453 604 602 626 490
Top Tube (effective) 608 440 460 601 566
Seat Tube C-T 441 490 541 523 497
Head Angle 79 82 83 64 82
Seat Angle 87 71 59 83 61
Head Tube 126 162 122 186 185
Chainstay 451 516 430 485 434
Wheelbase 1170 826 920 1088 926
Front Centre 488 704 631 691 682
Standover 758 687 694 750 692
BB Drop 69 58 64 71 64
Fork Rake / Offset 59 55 57 45 54
Fork Length (A2C) 365 396 326 330 382
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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