

  14 (25% Sag) 14 16 (25% Sag) 16 18 (25% Sag) 18 20 (25% Sag) 20
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Reach 370 384 411 415 437 382 504 385
Stack 527 577 486 595 552 577 616 549
Top Tube (effective) 540 609 623 645 610 655 665 636
Head Angle 62 72 64 70 80 65 63 62
Seat Angle 73 67 86 59 73 73 73 82
Head Tube 90 93 98 113 117 129 131 128
Chainstay 506 430 407 438 507 460 377 404
Wheelbase 1173 1031 903 923 949 1205 1265 1214
Front Centre 606 681 630? 630? 635 702 728 764
Standover 736 678 817 776 932 864 853 922
BB Drop 31 19 31 14 30 17 30 16
Axle to Crown 457 461 557 583 463 412 511 496
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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