

  S/15.5" M/17.5" L/19" XL/21"
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Reach 331 330 419 425
Stack 587 524 534 567
Top Tube (effective) 688 719 535 657
Seat Tube C-T 408 448 453 531
Head Angle 62 78 66 62
Seat Angle 71 58 86 84
Head Tube 100 95 109 127
Chainstay 354 451 353 409
Wheelbase 1195 879 1341 1289
Front Centre 549 581 723 698
BB Drop 70 51 66 62
Fork Rake / Offset 52 40 40 40
Fork Length (A2C) 551 587 423 543
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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