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Reach 425 407 447 331
Stack 574 528 489 572
Top Tube (effective) 476 625 540 516
Seat Tube C-T 448 576 581 608
Head Angle 57 80 59 80
Seat Angle 65 69 73,5 73,5
Head Tube 81 133 178 141
Chainstay 380 435 383 470
Wheelbase 1046 1010 1021 971
Front Centre 486 526 627 576
BB Drop 78 58 66 73
Fork Rake / Offset 51 44 46 52
Fork Length (A2C) 318 460 416 403
Seatpost Diameter 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,2
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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