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Reach 399 331 349 303 442 407
Stack 444 465 586 459 604 503
Top Tube (effective) 447 607 460 600 550 567
Seat Tube C-T 435 593 521 548 481 650
Head Angle 56 84 68 68 58 79
Seat Angle 65 68 79 61 80 70
Head Tube 131 136 123 134 160 236
Chainstay 480 458 343 349 469 404
Wheelbase 827 1020 978 1154 1196 1035
BB Drop 75 54 67 77 71 73
Fork Rake / Offset 46 36 40 44 42 53
Wheel Size 627 833 652 827 616 672
Tyre Max Width 36 36 26 32 28 28
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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