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Reach 302 339 434 333 371 399
Stack 546 629 539 596 518 517
Top Tube (effective) 468 494 581 649 606 651
Seat Tube C-T 496 405 413 488 500 465
Head Angle 65 70 79 68 59 72
Seat Angle 70 78 69 79 62 72
Head Tube 125 118 167 147 220 215
Chainstay 495 390 474 408 450 431
Wheelbase 984 1183 1170 1172 1074 1253
Front Centre 613 560 656 584 718 763
BB Drop 56 82 79 65 68 63
Fork Rake / Offset 363 390 473 390 435 450
Data Source None None None None None None

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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