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Top Tube (effective)
Seat Tube C-C
Head Angle
Seat Angle
Head Tube
Data Source
  44cm 47cm 50cm 53cm 56cm 59cm
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Reach 310 338 344 327 458 456
Stack 535 580 651 578 685 583
Top Tube (effective) 524 499 636 531 661 560
Seat Tube C-C 420 464 542 519 564 443
Head Angle 66 62 80 66 65 84
Seat Angle 88 84 73 58 84 79
Head Tube 140 150 142 140 204 231
Chainstay 427 337 438 424 439 424
Data Source Pinarello Pinarello Pinarello Pinarello Pinarello Pinarello

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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