Planet X Full Monty SL 2019



  S/500mm M/510mm L/530mm XL/560mm
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Reach 429 461 365 434
Stack 615 599 636 684
Top Tube (effective) 557 643 611 599
Seat Tube C-T 498 498 518 557
Head Angle 67 65 65 75
Seat Angle 62 65 84 84
Head Tube 135 112 145 169
Chainstay 465 384 494 392
Wheelbase 961 1078 1040 1240
Front Centre 492 607 727 579
Standover 813 605 829 797
BB Drop 68 76 74 68
Trail 52 55 44 51
Fork Length (A2C) 470 444 434 464
Data Source planet x planet x planet x planet x

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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