

  47 50 53 56 59
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Reach 336 386 410 352 441
Stack 538 481 480 511 689
Top Tube (effective) 491 453 604 646 587
Seat Tube C-T 548 423 532 476 556
Head Angle 80 72 87 76 78
Seat Angle 86 62 77 68 64
Head Tube 88 126 131 182 203
Chainstay 389 438 453 381 462
Wheelbase 1128 807 1068 1133 1032
Front Centre 550 543 495 627 664
BB Drop 78 65 68 64 67
Fork Rake / Offset 50 58 47 38 36
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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