Planet X RT-58 V2 Alloy 2017



  48cm 49cm 51cm 53cm 55cm
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Reach 354 378 320 459 427
Stack 489 451 477 582 532
Top Tube (effective) 488 635 578 564 602
Seat Tube C-T 390 528 462 519 633
Head Angle 70 68 74 62 64
Seat Angle 73 74 77 59 66
Head Tube 153 155 167 187 206
Chainstay 394 338 385 399 498
Wheelbase 813 1194 1125 1087 943
Front Centre 493 518 476 574 680
BB Drop 60 76 72 64 78
Trail 49 43 52 46 51
Fork Length (A2C) 381 418 381 379 431
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