

  S/490mm M/520mm L/530mm XL/550mm
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Reach 328 444 449 459
Stack 462 670 512 612
Top Tube (effective) 478 615 474 602
Seat Tube C-T 521 452 438 462
Head Angle 65 63 61 66
Seat Angle 73 72 69 71
Head Tube 104 105 133 174
Chainstay 398 383 410 453
Wheelbase 1216 898 915 1108
Front Centre 687 583 743 540
Standover 579 749 610 690
BB Drop 76 73 58 82
Trail 46 37 56 49
Fork Length (A2C) 403 336 449 472
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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