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Reach 310 324 458 422 423
Stack 437 629 531 601 605
Top Tube (effective) 461 641 506 607 666
Top Tube (actual) 591 524 596 598 462
Seat Tube C-T 521 380 433 484 486
Head Angle 56 80 66 69 65
Seat Angle 62 60 65 84 86
Head Tube 100 138 139 153 209
Chainstay 485 446 497 526 473
Wheelbase 968 1151 1060 929 990
Standover 837 792 771 776 991
BB Drop 71 71 77 73 63
Fork Rake / Offset 50 51 57 47 54
Fork Length (A2C) 427 337 326 437 437
Seat Clamp 22 29 32 26 29
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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