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Reach 324 429 324 439 430
Stack 618 456 649 593 565
Top Tube (effective) 432 493 459 579 562
Seat Tube C-T 464 494 499 510 574
Head Angle 67 84 66 85 72
Seat Angle 63 76 84 81 60
Head Tube 120 126 139 191 237
Chainstay 412 406 450 345 453
Front Centre 550 506 624 598 753
BB Drop 56 69 86 67 83
Fork Rake / Offset 63 62 63 44 58
Fork Length (A2C) 413 414 384 332 367
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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