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Reach 333 412 361 392 380
Stack 466 504 498 673 622
Top Tube (effective) 595 432 555 643 525
Seat Tube C-T 528 548 522 646 593
Head Angle 63 59 58 84 62
Seat Angle 65 77 75 74 59
Head Tube 80 96 120 190 183
Chainstay 379 393 426 379 361
Front Centre 623 613 589 603 662
BB Drop 60 57 83 80 78
Fork Rake / Offset 45 52 44 38 50
Fork Length (A2C) 343 372 360 344 352
Handlebar Width 337 359 359 466 375
Stem Length 78 65 99 106 117
Crank Length 149 198 165 138 144
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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