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Reach 420 375 410 396
Stack 486 599 531 670
Top Tube (effective) 485 632 545 627
Seat Tube C-T 570 584 583 555
Head Angle 70,5 70,5 70,5 70,5
Seat Angle 61 64 85 82
Chainstay 469 391 397 367
Front Centre 602 559 724 588
Standover 704 765 842 790
BB Drop 59 67 75 77
Fork Rake / Offset 47 41 53 51
Fork Length (A2C) 391 414 396 454
Handlebar Width 454 487 390 426
Stem Length 73 105 96 113
Crank Length 202 163 179 181
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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