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Reach 358 428 423 404
Stack 535 492 550 535
Top Tube (effective) 492 594 730 774
Seat Tube C-T 355 474 485 568
Head Angle 66,5 66,5 66,5 66,5
Seat Angle 71 72 61 62
Head Tube 105 127 104 113
Chainstay 378 488 484 544
Wheelbase 1135 1245 988 1134
Standover 841 836 802 942
BB Drop 8 8 6 8
BB Height 312 324 393 414
Wheel Size 27,5 27,5 27,5 27,5
Seatpost Length 408 394 483
Handlebar Width 822 861 891 946
Stem Length 52 57 64 57
Crank Length 191 201 153 140
Front Travel 153 121 151 135
Rear Travel 126 137 158 144
Rider Height 163-172 173-182 183-192 192-
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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