Rose Pro Cross 2019



  46 49 52 54 56 58 60 62 64
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Reach 403 320 366 391 359 373 339 360 326
Stack 542 474 543 495 638 566 504 537 719
Top Tube (effective) 493 568 500 441 454 540 563 669 672
Seat Tube C-T 512 394 500 443 552 614 620 633 660
Head Angle 57 70,5 70,3 70,5 81 60 71,5 71,5 76
Seat Angle 82 75,5 88 74,5 78 61 68 73,5 73,5
Head Tube 106 140 145 121 141 186 174 206 216
Chainstay 354 425 374 393 397 401 490 455 456
Wheelbase 921 979 1043 921 898 1244 1138 1250 1241
BB Drop 41 46 51 71 70 66 69 65 65
Fork Length (A2C) 335 366 399 342 341 473 473 351 411
Wheel Size 650b 650b 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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