Rose Reveal PLUS 2023



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Reach 326 427 354 388 403
Stack 524 567 595 560 566
Top Tube (effective) 543 544 545 466 627
Seat Tube C-T 398 563 541 435 494
Head Angle 82 74 83 77 83
Seat Angle 65 71 63 67 69
Head Tube 143 146 182 194 177
Chainstay 367 397 479 364 395
Wheelbase 846 1097 922 948 1127
Front Centre 529 492 634 715 671
Standover 864 764 766 955 758
BB Drop 60 88 78 86 77
Fork Rake / Offset 47 45 54 43 53
Fork Length (A2C) 453 322 397 426 439
Wheel Size 574 593 715 528 499
Bike Weight 11 12 9 12 12
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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