Rose Root Miller 2020



  S M L XL
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Reach 367 390 430 539
Stack 514 590 592 728
Top Tube (effective) 482 629 674 657
Seat Tube C-T 463 489 404 575
Head Angle 67 60 69 63
Seat Angle 76 74 86 74
Head Tube 108 83 101 123
Chainstay 442 486 375 498
Wheelbase 1326 1379 1423 1019
Standover 692 828 782 908
BB Drop 32 25 30 32
BB Height 378 322 293 365
Wheel Size 24 32 30 23
Front Travel 144 143 132 169
Rear Travel 167 150 139 178
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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