Rose X-Lite Four 2020



  50 53 55 57 59 62
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Reach 363 332 454 336 354 434
Stack 439 624 642 571 627 511
Top Tube (effective) 555 553 516 515 653 615
Seat Tube C-T 509 504 441 461 486 471
Head Angle 58 76 71 59 75 79
Seat Angle 87 82 70 83 67 85
Head Tube 106 117 127 154 209 173
Chainstay 458 352 484 417 382 464
Wheelbase 929 913 886 1168 984 1006
Front Centre 498 591 569 510 573 682
Standover 733 878 790 798 563 700
BB Drop 82 70 60 59 75 75
Fork Rake / Offset 42 35 38 37 37 46
Seatpost Diameter 31 25 24 27 24 26
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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