

  50cm 53cm 55cm 57 57cm 59cm 62cm
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Reach 323 360 309 422 359 330 449
Stack 520 568 608 646 593 580 677
Top Tube (effective) 594 536 447 543 616 668 601
Seat Tube C-T 465 415 497 586 611 458 516
Head Angle 71.75° 72.25° 73.0° 68 73.0° 73.25° 73.25°
Seat Angle 75.25° 75.0° 74.5° 87 74.0° 73.5° 73.25°
Head Tube 135 173 168 208 203 230 216
Chainstay 472 484 420 440 404 380 442
Wheelbase 922 879 844 1141 1194 1181 1105
Front Centre 620 521 479 649 644 579 655
BB Type Pressfit 86
Seatpost Diameter 30
Wheel Size 28"
Tyre Max Width 27
Seatpost Length 355
Seatpost Offset -17
Handlebar Width 412
Stem Length 111
Stem Angle -6
Crank Length 164 162
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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